We expect all Crownland Security personnel to understand our company values and perform duties in line with each of the values indicated here:
Crownland Security is committed to the highest standards of ethical and professional behavior and will strive to instill the company’s core values and ensure proper conduct for all our employees, at all times.
Our employees always strive to achieve the best possible outcomes for client satisfaction and in doing so ensure that they maintain high professional standards by engaging in professional development in order to best learn, educate and implement, showcase the potential for leadership within the industry, every effort is made to implement best practice and reach the bset and fairest possible solution top every challenge by working together as a team.
Crownland Security encourages and empowers employees to be innovative and to challenge their own conventional knowledge of the security industry by raising their own knowledge and expectations to achieve workplace outcomes that competitors deem to be unrealistic.
We uphold the rights, beliefs and abilities of our culturally diverse community, and treat others in the wider community with the highest degree of privacy, respect, equality, dignity and trust.
Crownland Security strives to act ethically to meet client expectations and to demonstrate to the wider community, that we take full responsibility for our actions, encourage fairness and a quality through proactive workplace practice unmatched in the industry. This assurance is achieved through engendering within each employee a high degree of self-discipline, and the need for empathy for others, whether employees be on duty or not.
Crownland Security strives to meet all professional and contractual expectations and obligations, and will exhaust every opportunity to deliver superior service on time and under budget. Our employees and contractors are dedicated, loyal and mindful of client objectives and what is required every assignment.
Our employees deliver exceptional services in response to unique client needs. We pride ourselves in our streamlined operational methods that empower Crownland Security to provide solutions to client concerns in an efficient and economically responsible manner.
At all times, Crownland Security will preserve, protect and commit to keeping client confidentiality and promises not to impart any information to any other party whatsoever, including to another individual or company that may compromise a client’s right to privacy. This company is committed to observing and enacting the tenets of the Privacy Act, whether it be of the individual or of the corporate body in their professional practice.